Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mother's Day

 I will let them be little, fill their hearts with laughter, help them grow wings, nurture their sense of wonder, inspire them to believe, and LOVE them like there is no tomorrow. 

Waking up to extra hugs and kisses is always a good way to start a day. Reading endless handmade notes and cards that are made with so much love, priceless. I try to teach them to love and love big, be emotional, tell people you love them, take chances (while making the right choices), be who you are and be proud of that and to be a good friend. There are many more things but those are some that we talk about regularly. This morning, I was confident that I am doing an okay job of making sure they love and love big. Their faces when giving me their homemade cards were not just them being proud of what they made but watching their reaction to how happy that they made me. It is such a great day to take time to remember why you wanted to bring these beautiful people into the world a day to think about your responsibilities to these little people but also a day to be reminded of love, unconditional love that we, as a family have for each other.  I love my kids, to the moon and back (even the smiley moon). 

My Mother's Day gift: we planted our very own orchard. I have to laugh a little because it was only last year that we started our own garden and I am still learning so much about that. We planted 5 fruit trees, one for each member of our family. Two apple trees, two pear trees and a cherry tree. We read and learned about what to do, we talked about bees and their importance and how to nurture our trees to become strong, healthy fruit bearing trees.  We also talked about how we have to have patience because it takes a few seasons before we can eat the fruit. Wylie said, "mom you are not very patient." (Oh how my kids know me too well. HA. )

               The three people who made me a Mom and our 5 new fruit trees in our new Orchard....

Top 10 Reason I love You: By Wylie 
10. You drive me to my sports practices and games
9. You are the best baseball fan
8. you sit with me when I am hurt or feeling bad
7. You have movie night with us
6. You tuck me into bed every night
5. You make my favorite meals on my birthday
4. After try outs you take our family out for dinner or ice cream for trying our best
3. You sit with me when I am sick
2. You buy me Christmas toys and birthday presents
1. You are the best- YOU LOVE ME.  

~ It's My Life