Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Fears & Togetherness

Fears? We all have them. Some are easy to understand and some you might wonder why on earth am I scared of that. . . It's like dreams- we wake up and wonder, "whoa what do you think that means?" Well, I have started to wonder that about fears. I have always, since I was a kid, had terrible nightmares and am slightly a big wimp when it comes to certain things: storms, being home alone at night, parking garages at night, parking lots at night etc. I think these are normal, or slightly normal fears-perhaps? Ya? No? Either way, this post isn't about me,haha.

Wylie for years has had the same reoccuring nightmare. He dreams of a bear, large bear, that is trying to attack him in his room and he can not get out.  So he can't sleep with his back to open spaces (for those who don't know his room, it is huge so this is a problem for the open spaces thing) and doesn't like sleeping alone. Luckily, I am always able to get Kasey to sleep in his room with him and that helps resolve the issue for the time being. Days and weeks go by and Kasey asks if she can go back to her room to her own bed and Wylie starts crying and Kasey says, "stop dreaming about bears then Wylie and you won't be scared." After a little "chat" we come to a compromise and move Kasey's trundle bed (bed under her bed) into Wylie's room. Kasey is happy and Wylie is happy. 

Months go by with the two of them sleeping together and Tori is fine and still loves going to bed in her overly clean, organized, perfectly situated room.  Until the drive to the Dairy Queen one night.  Tori looks out her window and sees the moon and literally FREAKS out crying hysterically.  It is a crescent moon and the only thing we can hear from Tori while crying, "the moon is so scary, it's smiling at me and keeps following me!" 
Kasey ( keep in mind never being scared of the moon before) says, " OH YEAH, Tori that moon is freaky!" Both Jacques and I almost simultaneaously yell, "KASEY!" From this moment on, we need to check on moon shape and location each night before bed.  And yes, now she is scared of her window in her room and sleeps in Wylie's room too, on the couch.  After a few weeks go by, we make it as a bed, sheets, real pillows, comforter the whole thing, she is there to stay a while.  

Kasey and Tori are on one side of Wylie's room and Wylie is on the other in his bed. You think we would all be happy right, well no, now the girls are on the other side of the room and Wylie is by himself . . . gosh, Mom what was I thinking. So we pull the mattress off his bed and pull it to the other side of the room, under the window between Kasey's twin trundle bed and the couch Tori is sleeping on. They are all happy and loving this time together at night and SLEEPING ALL NIGHT LONG nightmare free. Oh and still going to bed on time!! Nothing is worse than going to bed scared~ so glad they are they to comfort each other!! 

Kasey in the left corner.          Wylie (below) in the middle under window       Tori (way below) opp side

Love these kids to the moon (haha) and back! 

 ~It's My Life

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My Persuasive speech

It's spring 1998 and I am about to give my first speech in college. A 30 minute persuasive speech to the class. I  was beyond nervous about the idea of speaking for 30 minutes about anything let a loan a speech to try to persuade my professor and classmates. I knew it had to be something that I was passionate about that I could speak mostly from the heart but with facts backing me up. My speech was: Why children should be involved in sports.

This was an easy speech to prepare for and there are so many facts statistically about the benefits of athletics to prove this to be a piece of cake. Benefits far greater than "it's just good for your health." I prepared well, presented it well and it was received well from my classmates, who had to fill out a survey on my persuasiveness. My professor, however, gave me a C. I was so upset and went to talk to him about it and all he said to me was, " I personally don't believe in the importance of sports growing up."

Why is this coming up now? Because this week has been a week of registering my kids for spring and summer activities. I look at my calendar figuring which kid can do which sports camp when and if I can make it from dropping kid A off and get kid B to their "thing" on time. Trying to figure out how to fit in our camping trip, our summer trip, family reunion etc. All of this and they are 8,6 and 4 years old. I have officially started to analyze my life as a VERY involved kid and it's importance. But my feelings of a Mom have set in.  I don't want to spend every night running them to different sports, not having dinner together and the three of them not spending quality time together. I am not ready to give up our family trips we plan every year and our camping trips that have brought us so many memories. For those of you who think, "you can still do all of that." Of course we can but I believe once you commit to a team, you show up. That's part of being part of a team and teaching commitment. I specifically remember my last summer of camping and going to Michigan to visit my cousins with my family, I was 8. I wish I had more of those summers with my family looking back now.

 Sports were so important, gave me something to work towards, goals to achieve, kept me focused, made me work harder at school, made me determined, helped make me make good decisions, stayed true to good morals, made good choices, had good friends all because sports were so important to me I was not willing to sacrifice my success to a poor choice in judgement. It had a HUGE impact on  who I am today. And I like who I am today.

 But as I sit here, sports are such a little part of my life now and life is good and as much I as love them I am not sure I am ready to give up my kids, my family time, my kids time together to sports. Do sports have to be everything, no. But they do consume a lot of your time, and then multiply it by 3 kids. So what do I do? Did I sign them up?  Of course I did because even though my heart is sad that this time we spend together every night will eventually have new meaning, I know there is nothing better than to give my kids the opportunity to succeed at something they love.  As much as I want our family time, our family camping trips, our summer trips to last forever I know that the new chapter of our life with them will give them great joy and give them something so important, teach them so many lessons that they can carry with them the rest of their life. ( insert tears)

So yes Wylie, I signed you up for spring baseball, summer baseball camp, summer bball camp, and a baseball training camp.  And Kasey you will get to do tennis lessons, basketball camp, soccer and  your art camp. And Tori, of course I will let you keep "playing" gymnastics because you love it so much.  Mom and Dad will sit there so proud of you as you find your passion.  (Well maybe we won't be sitting together because we will be too busy going back and forth but you get my point.)

~It's My Life~

Thursday, February 2, 2012

New Year. New Blog.

New year, new blog & new title.

 Wondering where the titles comes from? There is more too it than you might think. 

JBJ- Jacques & JoLynn Baumer, how obvious is that. Well . . . it could also coincidentally be the initials of my all time favorite musician, Jon Bon Jovi.  It's my life because well, THIS IS MY LIFE.  And. . . .it could also be the title to my all time favorite song by mister Jon Bon Jovi. It was plain as day to me that there could be no other title.

A few weeks back we are shopping for a new pair of shoes for Wylie at Dick's Sporting Goods.  All three kids along on a busy day so it is loud as usual in the store. All of a sudden Wylie says, " guys (me, Kasey and Tori) be quiet!" And in unison Kasey and Tori scream, "It's Bon Jovi Mom!"

Love them & my life